Hello January, Hello New Year

Hello January, Hello New Year

Hello you lovely lot and happy new year!

After at least a couple of months preparing and living for festivities with friends and family January becomes, for most, a blank page.  It is a great opportunity to gain some time for you to restore your energy levels and start creating some kind and realistic aims for the year.

Take time out to dream, relax and plan.  But above all make sure all of these aren't big unrealistic leaps but more of the kinder type of possibilities.  Take yourself to a quiet space and enjoy the still thought provoking process.

One way to achieve this is to create an indoor retreat, a place to relish this time for you.  A few new items have been added to my shop that you may find useful to enhance and prepare this space.

The first is my Palo Santo sets which include this sweet smelling holy wood and a feather to help waft the gorgeous scent around your space.  This is a natural form of incense which has been used for hundreds of years to banish any negative energy.   


If you prefer smudging your space with White Sage I’ve also just added these too.



If candles are more your thing I’d like to suggest 3 to look at.


A scent for reflection...

Lemongrass and Coconut - this radiant combination lifts the spirit and encourages you to embark on a journey of discovery by opening up your mind.

A scent for relaxation...

Rose Hammam a mix containing Eucalyptus which opens the airways.  Vertiver which helps to deepen the breath and Frankincense which aids calm.  

To aid a restful sleep...

Lavender and Basil the ingredients in this mix help to reduce restlessness and calm a busy mind.


Happy January! 

Kate x


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